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000123_owner-lightwave@webcom.com_Fri Jul 7 22:09:08 1995.msg
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From: justin.barrett@tenforward.com (Justin Barrett)
Subject: Cartoon-Look for LW!
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 1995 13:26:00 GMT
Message-Id: <9507061103104406@tenforward.com>
Organization: Ten Forward BBS in Port Angeles, WA 360.452.7681
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I received the following post in the animation mailing-list, and thought
other 'Wavers here would appreciate the info:
From: pockets@d2.com (Sean Cunningham)
Subject: Re: PDI's Coca-cora anime' advert
This last weekend, at AnimeExpo '95, Allen Hastings, author of NewTek's
Lightwave 3D, demonstrated a plug-in for LW v4.0 to do just this effect. As
with PDI's spot (based on a previous explanation) LW renders the scene
in a normal fashion and then applies a post-process to do the three color
shading and apply the outlines.
What was extremely impressive was the way it assigned the three-color shading.
It wasn't merely throwing out colors but there was some intelligence in there
derived from the geometry so that the shading clearly followed the contours
of the surface (R,G,B and A are passed through to plug-ins, but so is Z-depth
information and much more). The outlining was also very impressive and was
capable of achieving line work that you wouldn't expect from your regular
hidden-line software.
He didn't have time for more than a quick demo, but what he showed did not
look like 3D CGI at all but anime-ish cell art! Cool!
Just a teaser on what's in store w/ Lightwave! Enjoy!
Justin Barrett - justin.barrett@tenforward.com - 1:350/401
Free Spirit Productions - Northland Cable - Peninsula College
* Q-Blue 2.0 *
justin.barrett@tenforward.com (Justin Barrett) sent this message.
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